Tofu Drink

Bachelor  project at
China Academy of Art

Read the research journey

TofuDrink is an interative and performative installation. It can be used to produce a traditional soja drink. 

In the winter of 2016, I came to Anhui Province in China to begin my “tofu journey”. It is said to be the birthplace of tofu, and to this day, there are many small or medium-scale family-owned tofu ateliers scattered throughout the villages. They start by processing soybeans to make tofu, as well as other soy-based foods derived from the tofu-making process.

In a traditianal tofu atelier, a man is filtering the sojy drink

The filtering module of the “Tofu Drink” installation represent this operational step in a performative way.

Tofu Drink is an installation that translates the food-­making process into a performative and interactive experience. Each module represents a processing step, and by going through all the steps, the visitors can see how a bowl of beans is transformed into a bowl of drink.

The installation consists of 7 functional modules
Part 1 – Soaking the beans
Part 2 – Blending
Part 3 – Blending
Part 4 – Heating up
Part 5 – Cooling down
Part 6 – Filtering & Adding coagulation
Part 7 – Adding ingredients

One portion of tofu drink material

One portion of finished tofu drink

© 2024 Xijing Xu